Drama Department » Drama


COMING MARCH 21st - Advance Drama and Theater Production present Peter Pan.
John Hancock College Preparatory High School is proud to offer a full four-year Drama program for our students. In the 2023-2024 school year, all students will focus on developing their ability to percieve and analyze artistic work with a specific deep focus on giving, receiving, and incorporating peer feedback as part of a community of artists. This common focus will allow students at all levels to become critical and creative participants in the broader arts community as both creators and audience members.
Drama I focuses on introducing students to the fundamentals of acting and the aesthetics of theater as an artform: voice and movement, script reading and analysis, theater history, technical design, and critical analysis. Students also participate in the spring production as actors, designers, and stage crew.
In Drama II, students develop their skills as playwrights and actors, work with complex scripts, and present two shows to the public.
Drama III students learn stage management and directing skills and mentor the Drama II students. These students learn the process of auditioning for professional roles and hone their performance skills as they work with classic theater texts including Shakespeare and the Greeks.
Drama IV is an advanced mentorship program where students become responsible for the broader aspects of theatrical productions including developing budgets and designing advertising materials as well as continuing to act in, direct, design for, and stage manage productions.
Theater Production students have the chance to learn all of the basics of what goes into the technical elements of a show - lighting, sound, set, costume, and prop design as well as stage management and directing.