Athletic Forms
Media Consent and Release Forms
Player Record Packet
Before a student can participate in any sport at Hancock, she or he must first submit a physical exam. Please download the attached PDF, fill it out, bring it to your primary care physician, and have them administer a physical exam, then return this form to the school.
Spring Conditioning Contact Information
In the event of a positive case, CPS must contact all individuals who may have been exposed to
COVID-19. Please provide the below information to support contact tracing and ensure the safety of all participants in Spring ‘21 programming.
In the event of a positive case, CPS must contact all individuals who may have been exposed to
COVID-19. Please provide the below information to support contact tracing and ensure the safety of all participants in Spring ‘21 programming.
Mandatory Video For Student Athletes
Students, please watch this video, and after that fill out this Google Form attesting that you watched the video.
(You will be required to log in)