Drama III (Period 7AB)

Course Description

Drama III requires students to apply what they learned in previous drama courses to live productions. This course focuses primarily on directing, though students will have the opportunity to act and do design work as well. Students develop their roles as leaders of the ensemble, building on the skills and knowledge developed in Drama I and II. Students in Drama III are expected to do readings and critical analysis of classic and modern theatre to prepare for rehearsals, lead rehearsals, and run a live show at the end of each semester.

The culminating project of this class is a live production on the stage for an audience at the end of each semester. All students are required to participate in this production in order to receive credit for this course. Drama III students will serve as directors for these productions. Like last year, there are field trips to see professional productions as part of this course. Students who are ineligible to attend these trips are expected to make arrangements to see these productions on their own time.

Beginning the first day of class, students will model classroom routines to help them work productively.  These routines will guide what happens in the classroom every day and become tools for success. Active participation is critical in this class; students must be present on time every day in order to be successful. Lessons and activities for this course will address both the Common Core State Standards National Core Arts Standards.  Students will become more proficient in all elements of literacy including: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language as we work through a rigorous curriculum.