AP Seminar 2018-2019-Period 6

Course Description

The AP Seminar course is an inquiry-based course that aims to engage students in cross-curricular conversations that explore real-world topics and issues from multiple perspectives. Students are empowered to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision in order to craft and communicate evidence-based arguments.


The goals of the AP Seminar course include:

  • Engage students with rigorous college-level curricula focused on the core academic skills necessary for successful college completion.
  • Extend students’ abilities to synthesize information from multiple perspectives and apply skills in cross- curricular contexts and in new situations.
  • Empower students to collect and analyze information with accuracy and precision.
  • Cultivate students’ abilities to craft, communicate, and defend evidence-based arguments.
  • Provide opportunities for students to practice disciplined and scholarly research skills applied to relevant topics of their interest and curiosity.