JHCP SY18 - English I - O'Bra-4th period

Course Description

Freshman English is a foundational, Pre-AP curriculum that helps students acquire the content knowledge, academic vocabulary, and communication skills needed to engage in rigorous intellectual conversation. This course compiles text spanning multiple genres: epic poetry, film, novels, plays, poetry, short stories, and songs. The year is broken into two semesters with a distinct focus: the contexts in which texts exist and the structures used to present them to the public. See Scope and Sequence for further explanation. Successfully completing both semesters is a requirement for graduation. To demonstrate learning, students will employ their writing skills to create argumentative and literary analysis essays as well as research papers. Students will be able to flex their creativity through two narrative assignments that bookend the year. Speaking and listening skills will be assessed through group activities and short speech during the fourth unit. Assessments of knowledge and skill will evaluate student progress towards mastering 9-10th grade Common Core standards in English Language Arts.